Tag Archives: Google Glass

Checkout Using Bitcoin and Google Glass with GlassPay

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What’s Hypier Than Bitcoin and Google Glass?

Mainstream tech media is having trouble splitting its time between the amazing Bitcoin stories and the emerging excitement behind Google Glass. So why not combine the two into one?

GlassPay is a mobile app that enables both shoppers and merchants to enjoy frictionless and economical sales transactions. Created by New York consulting firm RedBottle Design, the glassware lets users scan items at retail, assemble a shopping cart, and pay using Bitcoin.

GlassPay Google Glass Bitcoin Retail

RedBottle Design is located in Rochester, NY and was founded in 2007. “We provide software development, web development, and graphic design services, and specialize in mobile app and Google Glass development,” said the firm.

GlassPay Benefits

For customers, GlassPay is taking self-checkout to a whole new level. Like with self-checkout, Google Glass users can avoid waiting in lines for a store clerk to scan their items. But moreover, by integrating Bitcoin payments, customers can pay without ever pulling out their wallet or credit card.

For retailers, the key economic benefits come from Bitcoin, low fees and higher margins. But also, GlassPay offers merchants both large and small an opportunity to build an interactive shopping experience via Google Glass that could be a differentiator for the tech crowd.

“The full platform, including GlassPay for Android and Google Glass, is expected to be in the Play marketplace and Glass Boutique respectively, in the second quarter of 2014,” said RedBottle Design.

Retailers who are interested in using the GlassPay platform should contact RedBottle Design to discuss installation and integration options and pricing.

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