Ripple CEO Chris Larsen Talks Western Union, Money, and Bitcoin

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Chris Larsen is CEO of Ripple, a hot startup in the digital payments space. In a video interview with Bloomberg, Larsen gave an update on his team’s progress.

Ripple Labs – the company – raised funding from Andreessen Horowitz to build a world-class team, now 28 people. Ripple – the currency – is an open-source network for digital payments. Larsen compares this relationship to Redhat’s with operating system Linux.

Ripple Bitcoin

When asked about Bitcoin, Larsen says that Bitcoin set out to create a new currency with no central bank, while Ripple is an exchange for any currency.

Related: Is the Ripple Network Bitcoin 2.0?

Watch the full video interview from Bloomberg.


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One Response to Ripple CEO Chris Larsen Talks Western Union, Money, and Bitcoin

  1. Cliff says:

    Ripple looked to me to be the answer to getting funds from A to B easily and without brown nosing a bankster.
    I already use Bitcoin and it’s getting easier and easier.
    Ripple on the other hand is like some esoteric artform. I would love to use it but I’ll be damned if I can figure out how.
    Please introduce some WIZARDS. Most people can use wizards, already familiar with them.
    Easy to buy Ripples (once you have figured out what the hell all the trust giving is about )
    How to buy Ripple with Bitcoin? Visa versa
    How to sell Ripple and turn into Indonesian Rupiah (for example. This can be done easily with Bitcoin)and so on.
    If Ripple is to succeed against / alongside Bitcoin, you need to get it used and to get it used takes more then handing out freebies to the serfs.
    Hope you get it right. Good luck

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