Tag Archives: Reddit

Top Bitcoin News: Domains Seized, Bitcoin Tipping, Australian Retail

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Bitcoin News

A roundup of the top Bitcoin news from June 3 to June 17.

Wednesday, June 5

Friday, June 7

Saturday, June 15


CC image by JefferyTurner

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How to Tip with Bitcoin on Reddit – bitcointip

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bitcointip at Reddit

The team over at The Next Web spotted a cool new trick on Reddit that lets you tip with Bitcoin.

Reddit recently introduced a system by which users can ‘mention’ other users; that capability opened the door for users of /r/Bitcoin to create a bot that allows for tipping.

The tipping service is now open to all Reddit subreddits, and all users, making it a site-wide experience. Details on how to get yourself up and running can be found here. In practice, the tipping is quite simple:

To tip the parent comment/post one dollar:

+/u/bitcointip $1

To tip user Bob .5 BTC:

+/u/bitcointip @Bob .5 BTC

It’s a simple, neat method to reward other users for behaving in a way that you approve of. The obvious analog to this new – albeit user-generated – capability is Reddit’s official system by which users can give each other ‘Gold,’ the service’s premium user experience that costs a few dollars.

If you want to dig a bit more deeply, /r/BitcoinTip is the place to go.


CC image by JefferyTurner

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Bitcoin Stories: The 300 BTC Porsche, First Supercar Transaction

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Bitcoin Stories Porsche 300 BTC

Bitcoin Stories: The 300 BTC Porsche

Here is a new entry in our Bitcoin Stories series. It starts off with a man who wants to sell his car, a 2007 Porsche Cayman S with only 8200 miles. He runs car ad that reads like most car ads, with details about the mileage and the options. But the catch is that he is only willing to sell the car for Bitcoins.

About 2 months later, he found a buyer for 300 BTC and completed the transaction on Bitcoin payment network BitPay.

The seller posted his story on Reddit, saying that this is the first supercar-Bitcoin transaction!

At Bitcoin market prices earlier this week, this makes the sale worth over $50,000 USD. Of course, if the buyer had been purchased or mined Bitcoins a few years ago, he could have just bought a Porsche for a couple of dollars.

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